Pixelart with Aseprite

What is Aseprite?

Aseprite is a paid program that can be used to create pixel art. The software is available on Steam.

Aseprite offers an easy way to get started with pixel art, but it also has many functions that enable professional work. Aseprite is a particularly useful tool for game designers who want a retro look for their game.

How do i use Aseprite?

Aseprite provides the user with the following tools. At the top is the selection tool. It can be converted into the lasso tool or the magic wand tool with a right-click. Below this is the pen tool. This can be used to draw freehand. If the tool is selected, the thickness of the pen can be set at the top left-hand edge. Next comes the eraser and the pipette. These tools should be familiar from image editing programs such as Photoshop. They can be used to erase a part of the drawing or select a color.

The magnifying glass tool can be used to zoom in on an area, but this also works with the mouse wheel. The Move tool can be used to move individual areas of the drawing. This is followed by the paint bucket tool, represented by a drop in Aseprite. It fills an area with a defined color. Right-click here to select the gradient tool, which can be used to create color gradients. Below this are the Line and Shape geometry tools. The former can be used to draw straight lines, while a right-click can also be used to draw curves.

The shape tool can be switched to filled rectangle, filled ellipse or empty ellipse by right-clicking. These shapes can then be drawn by simply holding down the left mouse button. This is followed by the contour tool, which, as the name suggests, draws contours. It is used to draw a line and the program fills the distance to the next shape with the selected color. The polygon tool can also be called up by right-clicking on this tool: This can be used to draw all kinds of shapes.

The last tool in the row is the blur tool, which can be used to blur contours. Right-click to open the Jumble tool. It randomly rearranges all pixels in its radius.

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The colors

When opening a new Aseprite file, a palette can be selected. There are several internal palettes in the program that are suitable for different art styles. For example, there is a blue tone palette or one with natural colors. Aseprite also offers the option of importing palettes.

Colors can also be selected in the color field at the bottom and then saved in the palette. It is also possible to enter the hex code of a color by clicking on the bottom area and then save the color.

Layers and frames

The layer and frame settings are essential, especially for animations. By right-clicking on an existing layer, a new layer can be created and named. In the mode drop-down menu, 'darken' or 'lighten' can be selected as the mode, for example.

Click on the '+' at the bottom right to create a new frame. Right-click on the frame number to open the “Properties”. Aseprite offers the option of changing the duration of a frame. For example, if you want to export a GIF, you can adjust the animation speed.


Files in Aseprite are always saved as .ase or .aseprite files. These can only be opened in Aseprite.

When exporting, the file type can be selected at the top left under “File - Export”. Both .gif and .png files are possible.

In addition, the size of the image or GIF can be set and which layers and frames are to be exported.

More features

If you select the drawing pen, a few more functions appear at the top of the application. The pen shape can be adjusted using the button on the left and personalized brushes can even be created. In the field to the right, you can set the thickness of the pen and the rotation of the pen right next to it. Next comes the ink tool, which can be used to draw shadows; the button next to it offers further settings. Next to the “Pixel-perfect” setting are the symmetry settings. These can be used to insert horizontal or vertical mirror axes.

These additional functions are also available for the other tools, although they vary depending on the tool.


The Aseprite program is a versatile tool for creating pixel art. It offers a clearly laid out user interface that nevertheless offers numerous functions for professional work.

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