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Gamification can serve as a tool in medical technology to train students and medical professionals through simulations without endangering lives. This article will go into this topic in more detail.
Gamification integrates playful elements into a non-game context. It can be used in a wide variety of areas. For example, health games are used in the healthcare sector to develop a healthier awareness. You can find out more about this in the article “What is gamification”.
Medical technology includes all medical products, devices and procedures. Medical devices include all medical instruments and medical substances, as well as medicines. These medical devices are used to treat illnesses and make a diagnosis. These include, for example, surgical equipment, sterilization and surgical material.
Serious games are games that draw attention to a serious and problematic topic. This also includes medical technology games, which are designed to teach the player about a medical procedure or device. The focus here is on entertainment. Further information on the topic of “serious games” can be found in the article “What is a serious game?”.
The gamification of medical technology can be designed in the form of simulation games. These simulations can be used as AR or VR applications in education, for example. They can be used for further and advanced training purposes to explain the function of various devices, the use of drug therapies or medical procedures in a more understandable way. You can find more possible applications of “gamification for educational purposes” in the article “Gamification in education”.
With the help of hand tracking, doctors can learn new techniques without fearing “real” consequences. This encourages creative approaches to solving problems that arise and tests dexterity and manual skills. Practical knowledge and practice is also extremely important in the medical field, as correct application is particularly important in the operating theater. For this reason, simulations are an important tool for learning practical surgical knowledge. Even pilots use simulations to train their trainees more effectively and prepare them for their profession.
Simulations can help trainee doctors gain practical experience without endangering animal or human lives. The learning content of emergency room simulations is extremely important for dealing with emergencies with as little stress as possible. This is why some universities already use digital simulations as a compulsory part of classroom teaching. Students learn to take responsibility and are forced to make important decisions. Support from lecturers also plays an important role. Thanks to professional feedback and immediate error analyses, lecturers can support their students with difficult problems. More information can be found in the article “Serious games in medical studies - Now let the words be followed by data”.
Two examples of emergency room simulation games are “EMERGE” and “RCSI Medical”. EMERGE is a 3D simulation for the computer. It serves to increase the confidence of medical students in emergency situations. Students can apply their knowledge and make correct diagnoses on the basis of appropriate treatment behavior. Complex situations with real conditions must also be mastered and excessive demands eliminated. RCSI Medical, on the other hand, is a VR application for the Oculus Gear VR. It aims to overcome traumatic experiences in the resuscitation room for prospective doctors and medical professionals. This serves as preparation for everyday professional life with trauma patients.
To make gamification effective in medical technology, three main factors must be taken into account. The factors consist of abstraction, mechanics and interface. Abstraction is used to simplify complex relationships. Furthermore, the use of the game mechanics of direct feedback is essential for the continuous improvement of learning success. In addition, with the help of an interface, fun should be generated, which serves as a motivating factor for the players. You can find more details in the article “Gamification - medical training as a computer game”.
Gamification in medical technology can be realized, for example, with the help of serious games in the form of an emergency room simulation. This type of simulation is used to train students and medical professionals. For gamification to be used successfully, the three main factors “abstraction, mechanics and interfaces” must be taken into account during development.
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