What is Gamification?

Society, Culture

Short description

This article aims to explain the term gamification and go into some mechanics for implementing gamification.


Gamification refers to the application of typical game elements in a non-game context. Knowledge is conveyed in a playful and therefore entertaining way. It can be used in a wide variety of areas.

Beginnings of gamification

Gamification was used for marketing purposes for the first time. For example, loyalty points were awarded in supermarkets, which could be exchanged for rewards or prizes. This strengthened customer loyalty in a company. In addition to customer loyalty, gamification is also used in the marketing industry to increase consumer motivation and learning success. You can find out more about this in the article “Gamification in marketing: advertising becomes a game”.

Areas of application of gamification

In addition to the entertainment and advertising industry, more and more companies are becoming aware of the topic of “gamification”. For example, in the areas of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive, ICT and automation. In the mechanical engineering sector, operating support can be created for employees to make working on complex machines easier. You can find more information about “Gamification in the mechanical engineering industry” in the article “Bring the gamers to the machines”.

Gamification in the non-profit sector

Other areas in which gamification can be implemented are non-profit areas. These include foundations and museums. One example of this would be an app containing mini-games. These mini-games could be distributed at all stations of the museum and accessed via QR code. You can find out more about “Gamification in museums” in the article “Should museums be fun? Or: What makes gamification exciting for cultural institutions”.ä+üüüüüüüüü     

What can gamification be used for?

Gamification helps to increase motivation. Reward systems in the form of achievements, experience points or awards can have a supportive effect. They can also promote team-building measures.

Gamification in education

Nowadays, gamification is already frequently used in education. It is used to drive learning success by using playful elements to increase motivation. Feedback, challenges and the community concept play an important role here. More information on this topic can be found in the article “Gamification in education”.

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Gamification in healthcare

Gamification can also be used in the healthcare sector. It can make it quicker and easier to make progress in sports or achieve healthier eating habits. You can find more information in the article “Gamification in healthcare”.

Digital or analogue

Both digital and analogue games can be realized with the help of gamification. For example, a board game can be developed that visualizes a retailer's new product range. The game can make it easier for employees to internalize the new products more quickly. More details on this can be found in the article “Analog gamification - playful brand communication”.

The different elements of gamification

Due to people's pronounced urge to play, different elements typical of games are used to successfully implement gamification. Each element has its own individual benefits. The following three paragraphs provide examples of the benefits of some elements.


Rankings can drive competition. At the same time, players are encouraged to improve their performance in order to achieve the best possible result and thus climb up the rankings. The progress of other players also drives the players on.


Quests are challenging tasks that a player must complete in order to receive a reward. These tasks must be completed within a certain time. They serve to increase the player's skills and are intended to lure them out of their comfort zone.

Progress bar

A progress bar is extremely helpful in visualizing learning progress. Its benefit lies in providing a quick, clear overview. At the same time, it makes clear how much work still lies ahead to achieve the goal.

Conclusion: Why is gamification so effective and successful?

Due to people's pronounced urge to play, gamification can help to impart knowledge in an entertaining and effective way. With the help of playful elements, processes can be more easily anchored in the memory. Gamification can be used in many different areas. Starting with the entertainment industry, through education and healthcare, to non-profit areas.

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