
Game developement


Balancing is one of the most crucial aspects of good game design. Proper balancing is what makes a game playable. The following article provides a detailed explanation of balancing.

What is balancing?

Balancing should be the final step in the design process of a game. Learn more about game design in the article "What is Game Design." However, this doesn't mean it should be overlooked at the start of a project. The word "balancing" literally means "to equalize" or "to align."

In game design, balancing refers to aligning values and mechanics to ensure a fair game. Fair, in the context of a game, means that all parties have equal potential and that the difficulty curve is appropriate.

How to balance

To ensure good balancing, one thing is particularly important: testing. Inconsistencies often become apparent only during gameplay. A game may be balanced and fair in theory, but only gameplay reveals whether this holds true in practice.

In the case of a computer game, several parameters frequently need to be balanced. These include player health points, enemy health points, player damage, or rewards for defeating enemies. If the player's health points are too high and/or the enemies' too low, the game becomes too easy. Conversely, if the player's health is too low and/or the enemies' too high, the game becomes too difficult. The key is finding a middle ground where a game is challenging but not overwhelming.

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Rewards given by a game must also be within a reasonable range. Too few rewards can make the player feel unfairly treated and quickly lose interest. Additionally, if the rewards are items that make the player stronger, another problem arises: after a while, the player may no longer be strong enough to handle the increasing difficulty.

However, if the game gives out too many rewards, the player's sense of achievement quickly diminishes. If the enhancing items the player receives are too many, the game becomes too easy. In this case, the player also loses interest quickly.


Balancing is an important aspect of game design. Fine-tuning values and parameters is necessary to ensure that the player is neither underwhelmed nor overwhelmed.

Particularly in the area of rewards, it's crucial to pay attention to an appropriate amount.

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